Chasing Waves Installation, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Chasing Waves and Follow Your Skin screening at Lightworks. UK 18th March

Phasing Waves premieres April in Vienna

Why Do You Have a Beard? in Arad, Romania

Why Do You Have a Beard? Kiev, Ukraine

A Diamond Forms Under Pressure 10th March Contempoarary Music Centre

Why Do You Have a Beard? in Tiburon, California

Why Do You Have a Beard? in Jyvaskylassa Finland

Why Do You Have a Beard? in Jyvaskylassa Finland

Chasing Waves and A Diamond Forms, Buffalo, New York

Why Do You Have a Beard? screens in Cambodia

Why Do You Have a Beard? in Athens, Greece

Max Hattler + Ocusonic Live A/V 18 Dec 2010 extract

Why Do You Have a Beard? screening Feb Murcia. Spain

Why Do You Have a Beard? screens at Multivision, Russia.

Follow Your Skin screens as installation at Videomedeja Novi Sad. Serbia

Chasing Waves and A Diamond Forms screened Nov at In Out, Gdansk, Poland

Chasing Waves in Russia

Why Do You Have a Beard? in New Delhi, India

Why Do You Have a Beard? in Oldenburg Germany

Chasing Waves at Collectif Jeune Cinema

Chasing Waves at Non Stop Film Festival

Why Do You Have a Beard? in Uganda 29th Oct

Why Do You Have a Beard? Deboshir Film Festival 11-14 Nov. Saint Petersburg

Chasing Waves at Olympia Festival Washington USA

A Diamond Forms Under Pressure selected for Cork Film Festival 07-14 Nov 2010

Chasing Waves screens in Antimatter 8-16 Oct 2010 Victoria, Canada

Why Do You Have a Beard? Banjaluka 22-27 Oct, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Chasing Waves at Naoussa, Greece

International Festival of Alternative Film and Video Bogota, Colombia screening
Why Do You Have a Beard?
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