Phasing Waves :
Recorded live in the experimental TV Studio New York, simple tones, buzzes and glitches were transformed into
visual representations using 80’s technology of voltage controlled video synthesis.
The sound creates the image, what you see is what you hear. When three of these recordings are juxtaposed,
new rhythmic and harmonic, audio visual complexities emerge.
Phasing Waves : Screening History
Oodaaq Festival of poetic images 2012 | Rennes, France | May 2012 |
Cinesonika international film festival of sound design | Vancouver, Canada | Feb 2012 |
Klub Katarakt Festival for experimental music | Hamburg, Germany | Jan 2012 |
Non Stop Film festival of experimental video | Nurnberg, Germany | Dec 2011 |
Streaming Festival International Video Art | The Hague, Holland | Dec 2011 |
Patras International Festival of Film and Culture | Patras, Greece | Oct 2011 |
FlexIFF International Experimental Film Festival | Sydney, Australia | Sept 2011 |
Corti and Cigarettes International Film Festival | Rome, Italy | Sept 2011 |
Exis Experimental Film and Video Festival | Seoul, Korea | Sept 2011 |
ICMC International Computer Music Conference | Huddersfield, UK | Aug 2011 |
FILE Electronic Language International Festival | Sao Paulo, Brazil | July/Aug 2011 |
Open Eyes International Film Festival | Marsburg, Germany | uly 2011 |
Buffalo Infringement Festival festival of experimental video | Buffalo, New York | July 2011 |
IKFA Hamburg International Short Film Festival | Hamburg, Germany | June 2011 |
AIEFF Australian International Experimental Film Festival | Melbourne, Australia | May 2011 |
Fullframe Experimental and Avant-garde Short Film | Vienna, Austria | April 2011 |